Is Mobile Computing Safe?

The increasing uses of mobile computing can actually be scarier to our lives than we think. Increasingly, social media companies such as Facebook have been infamous for secretly changing users privacy settings and engaging in “Big Brother” type activities with the launch of their new “I Messenger App.” Facebook is not the only social media company who is engaging in this though, Google Inc. also utilizes users information to gain a profit for marketing initiatives based on what users search. On the other hand, Facebook targets advertising campaigns on Facebook accounts to the specific user based on their top Google searches. Creepy isn’t it?

So what exactly is this I Messenger App all about ? Have we become so consumed with mobile computing and the uses of social media that we are unconsciously agreeing to Facebook listening to our conversations, monitoring our conversations, and physically tracking our phone and social media activity. Yes, we have. As most Facebook users are now aware of, you will not be able to access your Facebook private messages on a smartphone Facebook app without downloading a separate app specifically utilized for messaging called “I Messenger” App. Yes, users have no way around this. Facebook is forcing smartphone mobile computing users to download the app or else they could not view their private messages on a smartphone. Facebook has pulled a major Big Brother move! Facebook can now view your call lists and camera… now that is insane.

Why exactly would Facebook make such an app “mandatory” for mobile computing users to download or else they could not view their own personal messages. Mobile computing users are so addicted to the streams of social media that we tend to ignore the fine print of terms and conditions when downloading the app. Facebook, did indeed “cross the line” with this messenger app but most users still agree to these terms. Is social media more important than giving up our rights to privacy?

Fogarty, Susan. “Mobile Device Security Surpass Reality, Survey Says.” Tech Target. 13 June, 2011. Web. 13 March 2015.